22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life
1. visit a very exotic place
2. buy ticket to a music festival
3. run a half marathon
4. go swimming open water
5. learn how to cook own
6. research family tree
7. try jumping parasut/paralayang
8. try night party in unknown city
9. learn how to make cocktail- fav own one
10. kaoreke
11. diving
12. get lost foreign coutry
13. climb a mountain
14. spend nihgt under the star/camping
15. hobby of master klass lukis/musik
17. get in shame gym sport
18. volunteer for something
19. find someone who ill be genuinely dear to you
20. go traveling on your own /alone for a week
21. go to sporty event world cup /championchip
22. rent a holyday home with people you don't know
add more yours at cooment below ..
Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life
Labels: ArticlesPosted by ihsan saidi at 8:18:00 PM
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